Loot-O-Grams will drop every time you kill it though. Keep one thing in mind, Dinklebot won’t spawn every time so if you don’t find it at the location then just quit to main menu and start again. Try to obtain a bunch of Loot-O-Grams and then go and give them to Earl (Eridium Vendor) at the Sanctuary. You can farm Dinklebot at Skywell- 27 (Promethea) to get Loot-O-Grams from it. Here are the best locations to farm the Lucian’s Call: But there are certain enemies or bosses in the game that have an increased drop rate. Lucian’s Call is a world drop which means you can get it from anywhere. Blue Fire drops Lucian’s Call and Red Rain drops Rowan’s Call. There are two bosses at the end of the Slaughterstar 3000, Blue Fire and Red Rain. Blue Fire is one of the two final bosses of Slaughterstar 3000. Update : You can now get Lucian’s Call from Blue Fire. I got the one that deals incendiary damage but you can get this with other elements too. Lets take a look at the description of the Lucian’s Call.

If you are a Fl4K user you are running the critical build then this is the weapon you need. So you pretty much have infinite ammo on this as long as you can hit critical spots of your enemies. So what is so special about the Lucian’s Call? The first thing is the fire rate on this and the second thing the perk where on critical hits you get 2 bullets back to the magazine, and 2 bullets ricochet at the nearest enemy. It is one of the best weapons you can get in the game and you can heavily rely on this weapon when fighting bosses or playing Circle of Slaughter at Mayhem 2 or Mayhem 3 difficulty. Lucian’s Call is a Legendary or Orange Assault Rifle in Borderlands.

Borderlands 3 – How to get Lucian’s Call Assault Rifle What is Lucian’s Call? Want to obtain the Lucian’s Call but don’t know where to farm for it? Don’t worry we got you.